I’ve been a pretty busy gal this weekend – and it’s only Sunday morning! My Wine Not Crafter team had our monthly meeting yesterday in the morning and I had my Thank You’s Galore Card Workshop in the afternoon. Both were very fun! This morning I’ve been able to spend a little time getting my craft space back in order (somewhat) and work on a project! 

Part of the push for me to start blogging is my goal of participating in Design Challenges and Blog Hops. I am especially excited for this post because it’s my first submission for the Global Design Project Challenge. 

There are so many places and opportunities to find inspiration in the crafting world that it’s sometimes a bit overwhelming. Participating in challenges will allow me to hone in my focus a bit more. (I admit it – I hit overload frequently.)

This week’s challenge was to CASE* the Designer and this is my submission: 

CASEing can mean a number of things, but the most common definitions found are: 

*CASE (Copy and Selectively Edit)
*CASE (Copy and Share Everything)

Our inspiration banner was a lovely card by Connie Collins. I pulled my inspiration from Connie’s layout. I love the focus on the sentiment in the center. 

My card uses some of my favorite stamps and colors! The new Broadway Birthday and Lined Alphabet stamps are amazing additions to my stamp arsenal and when paired with these colors? Whoa! These colors make me so happy! I am actually making it my ‘mission’ for today to make a few more cards with just this color combo. 

I hope you enjoyed my first GDP submission as much as I loved making it!

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Crafting,
